TV BSL-22112V 22 ”inches, with LED FHD technology with a resolution of 1920x1080 and power to 12v with lighter cable included ideal for use on the campsite or even in your car.
This TV has a USB media player port, to enjoy all your favorite photos or movies.
DVBT2/DVB-C/DVB-S2 tuner in H.265. Enjoy all the free channels of the TDT.
Sound regulator, standard/music/Sports/customized.
In the connection section we have mYPBR, VGA, HDMI, Coaxial, earphone socket and RF antenna.
Speakers with stereo sound. 2x1.5v. AV stereo sound.
√ 22 ”inch FHD TV, 1920x1080p LED resolution (FHD). 178H / 178.V angle of view
√ 12V power with lighter cable included and with USB Port media player./
√ DVB-T2 / C / S2 digital tuner, suitable for all European Union countries. Interface with Dolby Digital/Plus.
√ With: AV, USB 2.0, mYPBR, VGA, audio input for PC Audio , HDMI, Coaxial, headphone and RF antenna jack.
√ Remote control, OSD multi language, English, Spanish, French and Spanish User manual